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PSY 180 - Psychology of Aging - Textbook



The New Retirement: A World Without Retirement

The New Retirement: A World Without Retirement by Amelia Hill  © 2017 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.

Basic Terms

  • retirement
  • casualized employment
  • factors contribution to issue
  • life expectancy
  • baby-boom generation
  • pension
  • comfortable minimum pension
  • Otto von Bismarck
  • national insurance act
  • secret to successful retirement
  • final salary pensions


(Learning Objectives, Key Points, and Basic Terms content by Professor Stacey Cooper is licensed under CC BY 4.0.)

"We are entering the age of no retirement. The journey into that chilling reality is not a long one: the first generation who will experience it are now in their 40s and 50s. They grew up assuming they could expect the kind of retirement their parents enjoyed – stopping work in their mid-60s on a generous income, with time and good health enough to fulfil long-held dreams. For them, it may already be too late to make the changes necessary to retire at all."