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Using the Library | OER Textbooks and ZTC Courses

Details open educational resources and zero textbook costs courses.

Hostos Library Materials

Hostos Library Materials in the Classroom

You are welcome to link to HCC Library materials, such as articles or eBooks, when building your OER textbook or setting up your ZTC course.

This may seem like a complicated process, but librarians are here to help you!

Once you identify library subscription material that you would like to use, if you need assistance with the link, please email Professor Kate Lyons.

OneSearch | Search Box

Step-by-Step: How to find subscription materials:
  1. Use the search box above.
  2. Click on "Full Text Online" from the left-hand column.
  3. Use other left-column filters to narrow your search.

Step-by-Step: How to locate permalinks to Hostos Library materials

  1. Locate your Hostos Library material via OneSearch using the step-by-step instructions and search box above.
  2. From the OneSearch results page, click on the ellipses ・・・ on the item record to show actions options.
    OneSearch Result

    Image 01: OneSearch results with ellipses encircled


  3. Click on the "Permalink" button to generate the link, and then select copy the permalink to your clipboard or use a shortcut such as cntrl+c or Command-C.
    OneSearch result with actions options shown
    Image 02: OneSearch result with permalink circle