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Passwords, printing, and other tech

Get Help


The IT service desk for assistance is at (718) 518-6646.

You can submit a trackable request for help with the Hostos IT department through the Service@Hostos portal. Only IT (not the library) can fix certain tech problems, such as:

  • You can't remember your answers to the Hostos password security questions
  • You swipe your ID card at a printer, it shows an incorrect balance or can't be found in the system
  • You downloaded a driver to print from your laptop, but it doesn't work


Computer Lab

The computer lab is in C-595. Their phone number is (718) 518-6502. 

Talk to a librarian in person

Come see us in person in the lower level of the library during these hours.

Chat with a librarian

Library Chat Live--when Hostos librarians are on call--is available during these hours. If you chat during other hours, you may be answered by a librarian from a different CUNY, who can also help you.