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Passwords, printing, and other tech

Passwords and usernames

How do I print or log in to wi-fi or a computer at the library? 

Use your Hostos Username—this is the shorter username, which includes the initial of your first name, some letters from your last name, and numbers from your ID.

Example: MRuiz9025 

Not sure what your Hostos username is? Find it here.

Forgot your Hostos password?

You can fix it with Hostos Single Sign-On (scroll down that page and click on "Resetting/unlocking your Hostos credentials" for step-by-step instructions).

If you are unable to log in to Single Sign-On and can't go to either the computer lab (C-595) or IT help desk (B-420) in person, you may email a selfie of yourself holding your ID to and request that IT help you change your password.


How do I read library books or articles online?
How can I renew my loans?

Use your CUNY Login--the same username and password that you use for Blackboard, CUNYFirst, DegreeWorks, and the virtual bookstore.

It looks like this: (the last two numbers=the last two numbers of your EMPLID)


Sign into your library account

Change your password here.

For more on the CUNY login, see CUNY Login FAQs.



Tips for secure passwords and good security questions

  • Try to make them easy for you to remember but hard for anyone else to guess. 
  • Do not use the same password for your accounts.
  • Do not create a text file on your computer or phone with all your password information. 
  • Do make complex passwords using uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • For questions: pick answers that won't change during your time at Hostos, like your childhood nickname; what your "favorite movie" is now might be hard to remember in two years!
  • Remember that spelling and exact wording counts! So if you pick something like "city where you were born" and your answer is the Bronx, you have to remember if you typed in Bronx or if you typed in the Bronx (or NYC or New York City), etc.!

Password managers

You can choose to password managers to store all your username and passwords in one place. Some password managers that offer free accounts are below. January 2023 update: LastPass, which we had previously recommended, suffered a serious data breach--hackers managed to get hold of many people's passwords. Please be aware that keeping your passwords in an "analog" format like a paper notebook, or saving only reminder hints that only you would understand--instead of the actual passwords--would keep your passwords safe from such hackers online.