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ENV 110 - Environmental Sciences I

Climate Change

Overhead shot of New York City streets busy with traffic


Additional Materials

Climate Change

Earth’s temperature depends on the balance between energy entering and leaving the planet. When incoming energy from the sun is absorbed, Earth warms. When this energy is released back into space, Earth cools. Many factors, both natural and human, can cause changes in Earth’s energy balance, including:

   - Changes in the greenhouse effect, which affects the amount of heat retained by Earth’s atmosphere
   - Variations in the sun’s energy reaching Earth
   - Changes in the reflectivity of Earth’s atmosphere and surface

2022 New York Scoping Plan

Framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve net-zero emissions, increase renewable energy usage, and ensure climate justice. 


Global Climate Change and/or Global Impact case studies available on course BlackBoard

Assignment 1

How Much Carbon Dioxide Do You Emit?


Chapter 6, History and Global Distribution
Chapter 7, Carrying Capacity
Chapter 8, Population Growth
Source: AP Environmental Science by University of California, University of California College Prep
License: CC BY 2.0


"Climate Change"
Source: Environmental Science by Sean Whitcomb, Maricopa Open Digital Press
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

New York State Climate Action Council Scoping Plan
Source: New York State Climate Action Council, 2022. Copyright 2023.