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ENG 223 Prof. Ann Genzale Fall 2023

Focusing Your Research

Keep in mind:

Research is about asking questions, learning new things, making sense of varied and sometimes contradictory information, and asking new questions. 

As you read each source, your understanding of the topic and questions about it will change - this is normal!  Research is a dynamic process.

How to create effective keywords

For this assignment, your starting key words may be the author and the title of the work you're researching. 

This video offers tips for coming up with more key words that go beyond the title of the work. The main strategies:

(1) Pull out the important words from your research question.
(2) Look at each word: is it a KEY CONCEPT? Does it DESCRIBE my idea, by itself?  If it's not clear, come up with a better word that does describe that key concept.
(3) Think about words that people who write about these issues might use.