Peer-reviewed journals (sometimes called scholarly, academic, or refereed) have gone through a review process by experts in the field before being published. Peer-reviewed articles are highly specialized reports, usually representing original research, written by experts for an audience of experts.
Hostos Library has a number of databases that include scholarly works about literature.
* these databases include peer-reviewed articles, but also include introductory topic overviews and reference articles, which can be a good place to start.
You can search multiple databases at once by using OneSearch or Google Scholar.
PROS of using OneSearch:
* you can find articles from many databases quickly, instead of having to go through databases separately
* you can find useful books and book chapters that are not included in the databases listed above
CON of using OneSearch:
* it will not find every article that you might find if you searched individual databases
* especially for works and authors that are less well known or discussed, you will eventually find more if you take the time to dig through individual databases
In OneSearch, to select only peer-reviewed journals, select "Peer-Reviewed Journals" beneath "Limit To."