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CAP 203 The Power of Storytelling

Capstone- ZTC

Week 11: Interactive Stories

Next, visit the website for Twine, an app that helps you create interactive (Choose Your Own Adventure) stories. Near the bottom of the page is a list of stories that other people have created using Twine. Find one or two that look interesting and play them for a few minutes. Spend a total of 30 minutes playing Twine games. What did you think about having to decide where to click while you read?

Now, think about interactive stories and the story you're telling for this Capstone Course.

  • Were there points in your story when you could have made other choices? Done things differently? How could the story have unfolded differently, if you'd made different choices? What if there had been different circumstances? What other options could you give your audience, if you let them make choices in your story?
  • How do you feel about giving your audience the chance to make choices as you tell your story?
  • What do you like/dislike about video games and/or Twine or Choose Your Own Adventure Stories?

We'll make Twine games together this week. What do you think about interactive stories? You can decide if you want to present your final project as an interactive story, or a video, as a written story, or something else. Think about each medium and decide which best fits your story and your storytelling style.

Week 11: 

  • Journal Assignment: Which modality would best fit your story and why? Who are you writing your final story for (audience)?
  • Capstone Assignment: Write a short twine game related to your final story topic.

Week 12: Storytelling Tools

For this week, find or create 8-10 images that you associate with your story. They can be related to the theme, characters or any other element of your story. We will use to combine all the images into a collage and then download the final graphic.

Afterwards, we will use the same images and text to create a storyboard, using...

Week 12: 

  • Journal Assignment: What were some of the challenges in creating the storyboard or collage?
  • Capstone Assignment: Complete either the storyboard or collage you started in class.

Week 13: Storytelling Peer-Review/ Rough Drafts

We will spend this entire week reading and reflecting on each others' stories. Read these tips on how to provide useful feedback for writers.

Week 13: 

  • Journal Assignment: Describe your experience with drafting your story.
  • Capstone Assignment: Complete your Final Project based on recommendations.