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ENG 110 Prof. Leanna McLennan Fall 2021

Pre-Writing Part 1: Researching Quality Information about Coates’ Essay

Here are the instructions from Prof. McLennan about the part of your research project that this guide can help you with:
Pre-Writing/Draft—Part 1
This stage of the research project requires you to find two quality sources and write three paragraphs: one for each source and one summarizing what you learned from the sources.
There are two types of sources: primary and secondary.
A primary source is a document or an object from a particular event or time period that provides a first-hand account. Historical newspapers, diaries, letters, interviews, and objects like dresses, posters, and pottery are all primary sources.
Secondary sources analyze primary sources. They include histories and critical essays that contextualize and explain what primary sources mean. For this essay, I'd like you to find one primary and one secondary source about a sub-topic that Coates discusses in his essay.

How to create effective keywords

Keywords - what are they, why do they save you time?

Three steps for developing keywords:

(1) Pull out the important words from your topic and questions you may have.
(2) Look at each word: is it a KEY CONCEPT? Does it DESCRIBE my idea, by itself?  If it's not clear, come up with a better word that does describe that key concept.
(3) Think about words that people who write about these issues might use.