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ENG 111 Prof. Krystyna Michael Spring 2020

Sources for your annotated bibliography

Remember, your annotated bibliography will build upon the thesis you explored in your character analysis essay. Think about a question you still want to explore. Your question could be about:
- the historical context of the novel
- Toni Morrison as an author
- a psychological aspect of the characters in the novel
- a narrative aspect of the text.

You should find three sources and write a 150-200 word explanatory paragraph (annotation) for each. Please see Prof. Michael's directions for more details about what to consider while writing your annotation paragraphs.

The following types of sources are allowed for this annotated bibliography:
• Sources found using on the Hostos Library website, either through OneSearch or a database
- reference articles (short- and medium-length articles that provide an overview of a subject)
- book chapters (remember you don't have to read an entire book - sometimes a chapter is a perfect length)
- articles of literary criticism (good IF your question is directly about a narrative aspect of the text)

* Websites (make sure you find a good one - see six questions to ask about any website you use).

To get started on your search, develop a good list of starting keywords - see the video below for helpful tips!

How to create effective keywords

Keywords - what are they, why do they save you time?

Three steps for developing keywords:

(1) Pull out the important words from your topic and questions you may have.
(2) Look at each word: is it a KEY CONCEPT? Does it DESCRIBE my idea, by itself?  If it's not clear, come up with a better word that does describe that key concept.
(3) Think about words that people who write about these issues might use.