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ANTH 101 - Introduction to Anthropology - Textbook

OER Textbook for Anthropology 101, Hostos Community College

"Sex" from Becoming Human

"Natural selection is not simply about survival – an animal must also pass on its DNA. This creates the possibility of individuals competing with other members of the same species through reproduction. Our bodies offer us clues about how our ancestors reproduced, competed with each other, but also how they must have cooperated in order to reproduce successfully." Instructions: 1) Click on the link below to access the assigned reading, 2) Where says "Download" choose an option, i.e. pdf or Online Reader 2) Read Chapter 3, pages 58-85.

"Brains" from Becoming Human

"Among all our traits, the human brain stands out as peculiar. Although our intelligence may appear to us to be an unqualified good — an all-purpose adaptation — the rarity of extravagantly oversized brains makes us wonder how evolutionary pressures could produce such an outlier, especially given its cost to us. Moreover, once our ancestors had out-sized brains, how did this affect evolution?" Instructions: 1) Click on the link below to access the assigned reading, 2) Where says "Download" choose an option, i.e. pdf or Online Reader 2) Read Chapter 4, pages 85-111.

Digging for Humanity's Origins

"Louise Leakey asks, "Who are we?" The question takes her to the Rift Valley in Eastern Africa, where she digs for the evolutionary origins of humankind -- and suggests a stunning new vision of our competing ancestors." Click on the link or picture below to access the assigned video.

Screen shot of Louise Leakey's TED2008 talk "A dig for humanity's origins"


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