We offer this online Resource Guide with freely available resources, so please explore the navigation tabs at the left-hand side of the guide. Just select any of the types of resources to find the materials you can explore.
We're looking forward to the events and opportunities for exploring many issues that we have included in this guide for research or interest.
We have events planned, virtually on Zoom and on-campus in-person, with our schedule available on the Women's History Month Event Calendar page.
Save the Date for Women’s History Month Lecture | Tuesday, March 8th at 3:30 on Zoom
Dr. Alcalde currently serves as Miami University’s Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. She has a Ph.D in Anthropology and specializes in the fields of Gender and Women's Studies and Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies.
All members of the College community are invited and encouraged to attend! Please register at https://hostos-cuny-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rceuqpjgpG9OkBfep6hR8Q3_wNiZkX3AS
Want to read Dr. Alcalde's past work? Check out a October 2021 article from Ms. Magazine titled, "The Burnout is Real—But This is Nothing New for Women of Color."
Library Info and Research Help | reflibrarian@hostos.cuny.edu (718) 518-4215
Loans or Fines | circ@hostos.cuny.edu (718) 518-4222
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