Scholarly Communication is a phrase used to describe the academic publishing system, "through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use" (Association of College and Research Libraries). Scholarly Communication can refer to both formal and informal means of communicating knowledge produced in and by academic communities. Increasingly, discussions about scholarly communication refer to efforts to reform outdated publication models, emphasize broad access to scholarship through open access publishing, and conceptualizing knowledge as a public good.
Used with permission, NYC Tech, Ursula C. Schwerin Library:
This article is a brief, clear discussion of the changing landscape of academic publishing, focusing on Open Access and its importance to the publishing landscape today - including those whose journals are "questionable." Created by M. Keener, J. Kirchner, S. Shreeves & L. Van Orsdel for the ACRL 14th National Conference, 2009 & updated in 2013.