Ventana al PasadoVentana al pasado is a bilingual web-based research collection that links the Latino-related records located in ten New York State archival repositories. Ventana brings together collections documenting the New York’s Latino/Hispanic community, and makes them accessible to researchers all over the world. Coordinated by the New York State Archives and Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños.
Ventana al pasado unites 94 collections and over 3,100 digital images that document the social, political, and cultural lives of New York’s Hispanic and Latino communities through the records of Hispanic/Latino community leaders and organizations, union members, politicians, artists, and others. Governmental records shed light on its role in issues such as affirmative action, immigration, and bilingual education. Included in the resource are photographs, letters, flyers, and other archival records that document the diverse experiences of Latino/Hispanic populations in New York State.
Together these materials tell the story of communities previously underrepresented in the historical record and trace their experiences in New York. This digital collection contains approximately 300 images from five separate archival collections held by Hostos Community College.
Note: As of October 2021 this collection is searchable via the above link. However, you must put in specific search terms like "bilingual education" or another topic to view results.