This Online Resources Guide is for faculty (students are welcome too) who teach courses in the Women's and Gender Studies (WGS) Liberal Arts Option and faculty who want to incorporate WGS material into their own courses in any academic discipline. Students are also invited to use the resources in this Online Guide for completing assignments or for independently broadening their base of knowledge.
What is WGS? In Women's and Gender Studies classes, "students learn about gender and sexuality in the family, media, popular culture, language, literature and the arts, employment, religions, politics, and hidden histories. Students strengthen critical thinking skills by questioning commonly-held assumptions about gender roles, gender binaries, sexuality, race, and class, examining intersections among different forms of oppression. WGS studies also develop marketable skills such as research, problem solving, communication, and leadership. In WGS courses, students connect personal experiences with their studies, deepening their learning and encouraging civic engagement. Examining attitudes and practices that advance gender justice, WGS students are poised to effect change in their communities and places of employment" (excerpt taken from the Hostos Community College catalog description of the WGS Option).
For this Research Guide, we have divided WGS subject/topic entry points into categories, as you'll see in the Tabs above. On the Homepage we offer basic resource links including WGS terms and definitions, Hostos library's most useful databases for WGS resources, and some websites we find useful for exploration of WGS information and research.
PLEASE NOTE: If you click on a link that takes you to an article in any of our Hostos Library databases, you will be directed to login with your CUNY ID before you can access the article. (the CUNY ID is the one used for Blackboard and now, for our databases as well). If you do not close your browser, you won't be asked to login again when you want to look at other database articles.
We welcome your input and your ideas for additions to this Guide. For your questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Prof. Miriam Laskin:
Library Info and Research Help | (718) 518-4215
Loans or Fines | (718) 518-4222
475 Grand Concourse (A Building), Room 308, Bronx, NY 10451